Join us for Family Skate at Larkspur Park! RINK OPENS DEC.28th!!!!


4315 – 30 St NW, Edmonton, AB
(Behind Velma E. Baker School)
Open Hours:
  • Monday – Friday 6 – 9pm
  • Saturday 11am – 8pm
  • Sunday 1- 6pm
  • (weather depending)
-Large ice rink is divided – free skate on one side/ sticks and pucks other side
-Large rink is limited to 30 people
-Small snowbank rink limited to 10 people
-No competitions, games or events can occur unless planned by the Community League
-No shinny, tag or pick-up games
-Limit time on rink to 1 hour when rink busy
Use at your own risk. Please keep the area in good condition for the benefit of your neighbours!
Rink shack is only open at scheduled times listed.
May be an image of one or more people, people standing, outerwear, footwear and snow