The Meadows Community League is connecting those who require help with snow removal and those who would like to help another member of their community with snow removal. This program is being offered thanks to a generous grant from the City of Edmonton.

Please complete the following form if:

-you or someone in your neighbourhood need snow removal help (services or equipment), or

-are willing to help a neighbour in need (individual or group organization)

In return for volunteering, the Meadows Community League will provide:

– equipment (if requested),

– a gift card to a local business at the end of the season for individual volunteers or an honorarium to an organization if volunteering in a group.

As a volunteer, you will be matched up with a nearby neighbour who you will help as needed to remove snow and ice from their sidewalk.

Applications to apply will be open until February 25, 2022.

Survey Found Here:

Please note you will not be guaranteed a match and matches will be made on a first come, first served basis.

For further questions or clarifications, please reach out to Kirstie at