The AGM Meeting on May 30, 2023 was a great success! Thank you to all who attended our volunteer info session, and those who participated in person and online for our general meeting. If you were not able to attend and you would like to know what was covered, please check out our summary document that is accessible here:

Image ID: A square image with a white background. The meadows community league logo is at the very top. In the centre in red font it reads “AGM Meeting Update 2023.” Below that is an illustration of a large group of people smiling. At the very front is a person with light skin, black hair, round glasses, black facial hair, layered necklaces, and a green collared shirt. Next to them is a person with brown skin, black hair pulled up onto the top of their head with a white band, gold dangle earrings, dark overalls and a white sweater.

Image ID: A square image with a white background. The meadows community league logo is at the very top. In the centre in red font it reads "AGM Meeting Update 2023." Below that is an illustration of a large group of people smiling. At the very front is a person with light skin, black hair, round glasses, black facial hair, layered necklaces, and a green collared shirt. Next to them is a person with brown skin, black hair pulled up onto the top of their head with a white band, gold dangle earrings, dark overalls and a white sweater.